A web site dedicated to Tom Harrington's family containing news, gossip and tales of the unexpected. Fun for all.
If everone adds a few lines of news and information - others will look at this site and it will spiral into a web log of the Harringtons!
It is so easy to add comments even I can do it.
What time is it there?
Tom's Training Routine
Click for Bigger version
Here are a few more pictures - I may add some new ones of Nora when I get round to it. Tom
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
You can now read your email on the internet - anywhere in the world!!
Remember this address - I will add it on blogger so you can see it there but you also have to know your password
Mum and Dad can now read their emails when on golfing holidays or staying with Shiv
Jack and Annmarie can read their eamails at work
enter your user name - here are some reminders-
user: tom
password: L
username: Jack
password: w
(the above get the emails for annmarie also)
let me know if you have any problems
posted by Michael on 8/03/2004 07:59:00 PM