A web site dedicated to Tom Harrington's family containing news, gossip and tales of the unexpected. Fun for all.
If everone adds a few lines of news and information - others will look at this site and it will spiral into a web log of the Harringtons!
It is so easy to add comments even I can do it.
What time is it there?
Tom's Training Routine
Click for Bigger version
Here are a few more pictures - I may add some new ones of Nora when I get round to it. Tom
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
Happy Birthday Philip
I have sent the box of your papers to you on Monday by DHL which contains your card and your birtday present from me and Jules was to tidy up and cut the Ivy on the back wall and on the front of the house.
I hope you appreciate it!
I will ring you soon if possible. Let me know when you get your two boxes of papers and stuff.
ring me some weekend so we can set up your web camera - first register here and let me know your user name http://uk.messenger.yahoo.com/
you have to download a program and you will be able to send instant messages to all of us who are online anywhere in the world - (my name is michaelxharrington)
posted by Michael on 8/17/2004 03:14:00 PM