A web site dedicated to Tom Harrington's family containing news, gossip and tales of the unexpected. Fun for all.
If everone adds a few lines of news and information - others will look at this site and it will spiral into a web log of the Harringtons!
It is so easy to add comments even I can do it.
What time is it there?
Tom's Training Routine
Click for Bigger version
Here are a few more pictures - I may add some new ones of Nora when I get round to it. Tom
Friday, August 27, 2004
famous Harringtons
The boys Music
Siobhan, Jack, Philip,
You should all have or soon have your CD consisting of a compilation of the music I know the boys already like or will like. This was for them to listen to on holiday in France.
I have tested the CD on all four of them as we drove to and from Lightwater Valley.
Playing this stops all arguing and has them singing along and shouting. They loved the CD and have been playing it on the journey to and around France as I write. You have to guess which songs they shouted AGAIN AGAIN AGAIN and which they sang along to. The topic that generated the most discussion was what did the little brother have on his hand?
Have fun
posted by Michael on 8/27/2004 01:32:00 PM