A web site dedicated to Tom Harrington's family containing news, gossip and tales of the unexpected. Fun for all. If everone adds a few lines of news and information - others will look at this site and it will spiral into a web log of the Harringtons! It is so easy to add comments even I can do it. Tom

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Monday, July 12, 2004  
Road to Everest

Michaels trip to Tibet and Nepal stopping at Everest on the way

I have been back a few days now and am relaxing at Phil’s in Beijing for a few weeks. Here is a small sample of the pictures from amongst the 300+ I have of my adventure (those I mange to catch will receive the benefit of the FULL slide show)

I had a fantastic time and managed to struggle up all the mountain passes and complete each days journey without resorting to the support land cruisers. I was the only one who managed without any drugs at all! The only altitude sickness I felt was difficulty in sleeping for a few nights when up high. I was lucky – the rest got headaches and one had to be sent home.

The month long trip was an adventure of a life time which I would recommend to all. There is pain and hardship but you decide how far to push it - but this is all part of the experience. The discomfort of riding up a mountain pass for 4 hours is easily surpassed by a tremendous high you get flying down a beautiful eye catching valleys on the other side.

I now feel fitter and healthier than I have for many years.

All the best to you



posted by Michael on 7/12/2004 12:56:00 AM

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