A web site dedicated to Tom Harrington's family containing news, gossip and tales of the unexpected. Fun for all.
If everone adds a few lines of news and information - others will look at this site and it will spiral into a web log of the Harringtons!
It is so easy to add comments even I can do it.
What time is it there?
Tom's Training Routine
Click for Bigger version
Here are a few more pictures - I may add some new ones of Nora when I get round to it. Tom
Saturday, March 06, 2004
Why do you want a digital camera? It will take a few steps to use it but I know you can master it. Why do you not borrow mine for a while and see how it goes ? If you get some use out of it and then we can buy a flash little number for you?
You can store loads of pictures on your PC – but first you were to get a new PC – save up 600 quid – Phil has packed on the beer for lent so you could learn a lesson from him
search digitial cameras on google and see what is out there
posted by Michael on 3/06/2004 08:43:00 AM